75th Anniversary

To celebrate our 75th Anniversary we held a Service of Thanksgiving on Sunday 8th
October 2023.
Over 80 people attended the Service in Holy Family Church conducted by Father
Kevin to help us mark this milestone. During the Service which included a reading of
Baden Powells last message to Scouts, a renewal of Promises, the rededication of
our flags and a brief history of the 58th being read out whilst a Scout stave was
passed down the generations with our first neck scarf (battleship grey with a red
border) attached, a yellow and white one was attached in the when the history
reached the 1970’s and the final neck scarf attached during the 1990’s when we
received Papal permission to have the cross keys badge as our group badge on our
neck scarf.
The afternoon finished in the Parish Hall with tea, coffee, biscuits and the cutting of
our birthday cake by a young Beaver. Also, in the hall we had a display of
photographs and memorabilia.