Skills Challenge Badge

How to earn your badge:

Complete all of these:

Take part in three activities to help you be healthy.

Activities could include:

healthy eating


learning how the human body works

another activity agreed with your leader

Pick two creative things to try, and show your leader what you’ve done.

You could:

write a short story

make a model

take some photos and use them to tell a story

be part of a play or sketch.

Learn and use at least four of these skills:

a: sew on a button or badge

b: make cakes, bread, biscuits or something similar

c: oil a bicycle chain, change a wheel or fit lights

d: make a cup of tea or coffee, then wash up afterwards

e: lay a table for a meal

f: peel potatoes or other vegetables

g: iron your scarf

h: change a lightbulb, in a table or standard lamp

i: clean a window

j: tidy and clean your bedroom

k: another similar home skill agreed with your leader

There are 2 other parts to these, but we have done them already this year at Cubs.

Contact Us

Let us know how your Cub has got on with this badge and you can even include an image.